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"Vá por todo o mundo e pregue o evangelho a toda a criação."

– Marcos 16:15

25 years of Global Ministry - A Call To The Nations & Alive2Love
25 years of Global Ministry - A Call To The Nations & Alive2Love
🌍🙌 "Grateful Hearts, 25 Years of Humble Service 🎉💕 As we reflect on 25 years of ministry, we are humbled by the incredible journey God has allowed us to undertake. From the forgotten corners to the impoverished communities, we've witnessed the transformative power of His love in action, empowered by the work of the Holy Spirit. It's not about us; it's about being vessels of His grace. 🌱 "I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow." - 1 Corinthians 3:6 Together, we've planted seeds of hope, and through the empowering work of the Holy Spirit, we've seen lives completely transformed, bodies healed, and communities revitalized. 🙏 We extend our deepest gratitude to the countless hearts who have prayed, supported, and stood with us on this journey. It's your faithfulness and God's enduring grace, working through the Holy Spirit, that have sustained us through these 25 years. 🌟 Here's to a quarter-century of God's work through humble hands, the empowering touch of the Holy Spirit, and willing hearts. May the next chapter be written in His love, guided by His wisdom, and dedicated to His glory. The mission hasn't changed. God said, "Take what I have given you, go pour it out among the nations and then come back and tell my people, the church what I, God am doing in the nations." - Pastor & Missionary Doug Rowland 🌏💖 #GlobalMinistry #alive2love #acalltothenations #theholyspirit #allglorytoGod 🙏🌈
Chiapas, Mexico with A Call To The Nations, and Alive2Love Missionaries.
Chiapas, Mexico with A Call To The Nations, and Alive2Love Missionaries.
We travel anywhere in the world where God calls us to go to. We meet any humanitarian need, whether for food, clean water, medical care, education, or simple compassion. We work with church groups and other organizations that share our passion to bring God’s love to the ends of the earth. As individuals, we have varied gifts and abilities, and everyone is involved. God can and will use all willing hands and hearts. Song by Jason Upton "The Garden Song".
🌟 "Honduras Chronicles November 2023: A Symphony of Miracles and Love 💖🌍
🌟 "Honduras Chronicles November 2023: A Symphony of Miracles and Love 💖🌍
"MISSIONS IS THE MISSION of the CHURCH. And if you take missions out of the Bible, all you will have left is the covers." - Doug Rowland In the heart of San Pedro Sula, Honduras, we witnessed the extraordinary hand of God orchestrating miracles that transcended the ordinary. The sick were healed, the deaf heard melodies of hope, blind eyes witnessed the beauty of creation, and the lame danced in the joy of newfound strength. The church experienced revival, and tons of humanitarian aid reached the hands of the poor. Thousands heard the life-transforming WORD, leading many souls into the embrace of salvation. 🙌 "God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supply." - Hudson Taylor 📖 "For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you." - Isaiah 41:13 May this testimony be a reminder that God's work is marked by miracles, compassion, and divine provision. As we navigate the journey of faith, let's trust in His promise to take hold of our hands and lead us into the extraordinary. Join us in being the hands and feet of Jesus by either Going. Or in your generous Giving, or Both! #MiraclesInHonduras #FaithInAction #GodsSupply 🌈🌟#allglorytogod #acalltothenations #alive2love
Mission Trip, Honduras 2021
Mission Trip, Honduras 2021
Esses dias em Honduras foram poderosos! 36 bravos missionários disseram sim à Jesus e foram às ruas de Honduras para anunciar as boas novas. O amor de Jesus era palpável. Tivemos também 2 dias de cruzada para a qual 10.822 pessoas atenderam ao convite, e pudemos ver 4.768 salvações, além de termos distribuímos 8 toneladas de alimentos e 1 tonelada em roupas, brinquedos e higiene pessoal. Sabemos que Deus ainda continuará fazendo grandes coisas naquela nação. These last few days in Honduras were powerful! 36 brave missionaries said yes to Jesus and went out to the streets of Honduras to announce the good news. Jesus' love was palpable. We also had 2 crusade days for which 10,822 people responded to the invitation, and we were able to see 4,768 salvations, in addition to having distributed 8 tons of food and 1 ton of clothing, toys and personal hygiene items. We know that God will continue to do great things in that nation.
Mission Trip, Manaus-AM 2020
Mission Trip, Manaus-AM 2020
Nosso vídeo da última missão internacional acaba de sair. Manaus foi impactada pela Glória de Deus em meio a uma pandemia. 61 bravos missionários de vários lugares do Brasil e do mundo se juntaram com um propósito divino: Salvação ao perdido. 2.5 toneladas de ajuda humanitária foram distribuídas na região do Mauazinho, uma comunidade temida e tomada pelo tráfico. 7315 vidas se renderam a Jesus Cristo. Seja impactado por esse vídeo! Junte-se a nós ! The video of our last international mission has just come out. Manaus was struck by God's glory in the midst of a pandemic. 61 brave missionaries from various places in Brazil and the world came together with a divine purpose: Salvation for the lost. 2.5 tonnes of humanitarian aid were distributed in the Mauazinho region, a feared community, taken over by drug trafficking. 7315 lives surrendered to Jesus Christ. Be transformed by this video! Join us!
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