Answering the Call to Make a Difference!
As an organization, we travel anywhere in the world where God calls us to go to. We meet any humanitarian need, whether for food, clean water, medical care, education, or simple compassion. We work with church groups and other organizations that share our passion to bring God’s love to the ends of the earth. As individuals, we have varied gifts and abilities, and everyone is involved. There are no spectators on the mission field. God can and will use all willing hands and hearts
Mass Crusades
"People say, 'Well, God's not interested in numbers."'Well, yes, He is. He brought forth a nation in a day. He saved the whole nation of Israel in one day. God is into numbers. He is into the multitudes. Jesus ministered to the multitudes. He healed them. He proclaimed the gospel to the masses.'" - Doug Rowland